Mobbin team admin



Team admins on both the Team Plan and Enterprise Plans have additional capabilities to manage billing and invite or remove users from the team. There can be multiple team admins in a team at any time.

Team admins can also view the Settings, Plans, and Billing tabs on the Membership page. Team members without admin access are limited to viewing only the Members tab.

On the Enterprise Plan, team admins also have additional privileges, including configuring SAML SSO and Directory Sync.

Make someone a team admin

If you are a team admin, follow these steps to make someone else a team admin:

  1. Log in to your Mobbin account.

  2. Navigate to the top-right corner of the page and click on your avatar.

  3. From the menu, select Membership.

  4. Locate your team and access Members.

  5. Identify the user you want to make an admin and select Admin.

  6. The access level should transition from Member to Admin.

License free admin

Currently, we do not support license-free admins. If you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact us.

Team admin has left the company

If the team admin has left the company and you no longer have access to the associated email, please contact us for assistance.