Missing data from account


Unless you delete your account or request your data to be deleted, we will never delete your user data.

If your account appears reset, and you cannot see your previously saved collections, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify correct email login

    • Ensure that you have logged in with the correct email associated with your account.

      1. Check third-party account emails: If using third-party accounts (e.g., Google, Twitter), confirm that these accounts have the same email address as the one used for your Mobbin sign-up.

      2. For Gmail or Google Workspace Users: Note that Mobbin does not merge email addresses with variations in periods. For instance, logging in with "[email protected]" and "[email protected]" will lead to two separate Mobbin accounts.

If, after checking the above, you still encounter issues or are not receiving our emails, please contact us for further assistance.